This is a simple role-playing game aimed at primary/middle-school kids whose English is at the CEFr B1-B2 range (strong or well supported A2 students have also successfully participated). The students can work in groups.
The topic is ‘Good Citizens’.
Players take the role of health and safety inspectors working in Virtual City. These health and safety inspectors can work in teams.
The Health and Safety HQ wishes you good luck in your missions 🙂
You must inspect the places shown on the map below to check if they are healthy and safe:
Click one of the buttons below to travel to the institution of your choice:
Go to the Health & Safety HQ for some training Go to the safari park Go to the sweet shop / candy store / confectionary Go to the Poop Power Plant Go to the sports centre Go to the cinema Go to the restaurant Go to the school Go to the KTV Inspect your home Go to the road