1 Good Citizens Introduction

This is a simple role-playing game aimed at primary/middle-school kids whose English is at the CEFr B1-B2 range (strong or well supported A2 students have also successfully participated). The students can work in groups.
The topic is ‘Good Citizens’.

Players take the role of health and safety inspectors working in Virtual City. These health and safety inspectors can work in teams.

Click here for INSTRUCTIONS
  • Click on the orange buttons below the map to visit each place and start the mission.
  • If you successfully complete a mission, you will get XP.
  • Be careful because some of the missions are dangerous and you could lose a life.
  • After each mission, you should write a short report giving details of any problems and your advice (DOWNLOAD REPORT TEMPLATE for offline writing).
  • Some games in this RPG were created using Scratch. This is a fun way to make interactive activities. Students who know how to Scratch might enjoy studying the source code for the missions or making a Scratch interactive report of their completed missions 😉
  • Good luck!

The Health and Safety HQ wishes you good luck in your missions 🙂

Before you start your Good Citizens missions, you may need to update your character’s bio. Remember, you are now a health & safety inspector.