People from some of the Central African countries are in poverty and even in the middle of an epidemic.The country that seems to be the most affected by this is the Democratic Republic of the Congo(the DRC)(SDG number 2).More than a quarter if the population(25.4 million people) require immediate attention. The main problem is the water and food shortages problem because they make epidemics worse, cause more poverty and also makes climate change worse.
Lots of political issues cause terrorism.Adding to the fact that there are lots of diseases like measles, lots of people are moving to other countries becoming refugees.Most of these problems lead to the water becoming contaminated.
To solve SDG number 2, we can either: Donate to charity organizations or just use less water. You save money, the people form the DRC get more water.
Call to action:
If everybody starts saving water, then possibly we can save enough water for the people in need.We can also donate to charities and fundraisers if you have the money.Some of this money goes to people in factories who can de-contaminate the water.
Good job 🙂