An Ordinary, Common, Usual, Normal, Regular, Average, Typical, Customary, Plain “Why Travel” Seminar

Well, why travel? This is indeed a very vast and interesting topic. Last Monday, in English class, we had an intense debate about “why travel”. Overall, it was a deep, philosophical, and entertaining talk about the purpose, strategies, difficulties, and more of traveling. A few days ago, our teacher, Dr. Terrett, gave us all quotes … Read more

The “Travel” Seminar

    Nowadays, with technology and advance transportation being spread and used globally, traveling has became an essential in our lives. Traveling is a very interesting and vague topic, such as the significance and meaning, the pros and cons, and the word “travel” can also be defined and interpreted in many ways. On May 6th … Read more

“Why Travel” Seminar

 Regarding the previous seminar we’ve had, the whole thing was revolving around the question of “Why travel?”. First, there is no way a question, a topic like this can be fully covered with just some personal thoughts, because when people share an opinion, they tend to make it one-sided, and that does not represent the … Read more

“Why Travel?” Analyzing Through Reflection

Why travel? What a broad question. There are limitless ways to approach this vague and ambiguous prompt. In a successful attempt to analyze this inquiry, an educator with nearly 20 years of English teaching experience recently held a seminar, in which I was an attendee. There are many things for me to reflect on, including … Read more

Seminar Reflection

Recently we did a seminar on class and there were many things that I want to reflect. Firstly, the seminar is about giving some kinds of questions and students discuss together. The process of participating into the discussion and share different thoughts was really enjoying and amazing experience for me. My favourite question was (I … Read more

A wonderful class discussion———‘Why travel’ seminar reflection

On May 6th, we had a class discussion about why travel, the discussion question was based on travel stories and quotes, in which students acquired inspiration.We mainly discussed about those quotes by master and famous writers. No, No, No. too short, Leo hates arid texts, this was an amazing seminar! So, I should wrote a … Read more