Seminar 3: ‘Two Truths’ You Should Probably know about Middle School

I remember that, when I first time stepped in to this place, and carry the fully hope, I wish my middle school life will be free and interesting. It’s like, I seeded a seed named ‘young’ and ‘future’ in OCAC, and hope that one day it’ll grow to a flourish plant.

During three years of sunny, rainy and windy, this plant get a very nice process of growing, it slowly grow up…And now, It;s time to see the fruit! 😛

Looking back on my three years in OCAC is very useful, it helps me to see myself in the past, and know how I changed and where I improved. So let’s look back on these three years with a seminar game!

I felt that my performance in this seminar was not as good as the previous two.  Because I didn’t speak much and only answered one question in each of the two part. They are: ‘the change of friends around me’ and ‘My best achievement’.

The first question is about the change of my outlook on life and values. I find that many people around me think friendship is a very*n important thing, and even study hard for relationship (RIDICULOUS). So when they faces emotional problems always come to me to tease, which makes me feel quite tired. 🙄

I used to be as confused as they are, but now I have changed my view. In these two years, I have lost some friends who are not compatible with my character, and I have met friends who are like me. It made me realize that we should not rely on others and should be concentrate on myself. (doesn’t mean selfish)

Like I said in seminar, ‘Interpersonal Relationships are like a job’. When we use it as a tool to achieve purpose and create value, we get good results, but remember that we can only relies ourselves , and we don’t get sad because of it. It’s a way to protect yourself. 😎

Why I start to think it? Except the hurts from others, my judgmental way has changed, I become more rational (educated by my dad 😉 ).

I'm an INTJ and I Can Show You a Better Way - Introvert Spring

I think I will continue to use this philosophy in future life. Because he is really useful (I have been trying for almost a year). During this year, although I encountered more serious emotional difficulties than past two years,  but by PUA (same with persuading…) myself with this truth, I soon stopped being sad every night. Maybe you can try that.  😮

Let’s move on to the second question~You may have heard of Turtle News, which I created with some other students (like Anna in our class). This brings us something new!

‘How to be a perfect team leader/manager?’ Difficult to answer for me. But I’ll final find the answer if I firmed and keep to be a leader. And I start my first attempt for leading this news agency. It’s different between leading a team in other class, because there’s no teacher told you: what’s next step, what do you need to do…I need to consider almost everything, of course there’re some help form my agency members. 😛

Experience: ‘You can’t just work for yourself. Make team member happy, or, kick he/she out of your team.’

Anyway, I’m gonna keep doing this through ninth grade, and realize more truth, to be a Super Lady.

Watch: (G)I-DLE Bolsters Confidence In Powerful “Super Lady” MV

For the Seminar itself, I must agree with Mr./Miss. “XE” , this seminar is really short, not enough for everyone to talk. But at the same time, I noticed that some students were not as active as before, such as Joshua and Crystal. Maybe they prefer to talk about philosophical stuff…Because their previous expression were so nice! Or maybe they’re a little slack like me 😕 .Probably because seminar it’s not new for us anymore. I think we still need to be passionate in the seminar.

Time gone so fast, we are ready to graduate… I hope I can continue to use these truth as my principles in the future, try more things, and become better. 😈


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Comments (4)

  1. Some interesting ideas here, but the language errors do make it a little difficult to follow in places. I’m not sure what the connection is between a young Elon Musk (is that the guy in the INTJ pic?) and your dad who you mention in the paragraph above the image. The connection isn’t clear.

    Turtle News sounds great! Can you share a link? How long has that been running? Why haven’t we seen it promoted around the school?

    You reference XE’s reflection effectively. That’s a good strategy as you needn’t repeat what XE already stated 😀

    • Sorry for the article mistakes which cause misunderstanding! ()>人<)

      INTJ is a personality which represent rational and judgmental, so I become this personality now because of the educated from my dad, he always tell me to be a rational person.  And the official website (16. saying that Elon Musk is INTJ, so actually I just want to use that picture to reinforce the atmosphere.  ̄□ ̄||

      Turtle News has running for one semester, now publish some articles and videos in Wechat official account and we’re aim for advocating to make it more popular…Actually we want to stick the new post every month in school, like the wall and hallway. But school leader refused to allowed us to do this after we wrote a little aggressive article.. ( It has happened in first time!!!) So we could only published them online.  🙁