Sample Essay

Hello [xyz-ips snippet=”user-name”]!

Here is the Halloween essay I scribbled at the end of the IELTS 2 class this week. I haven’t had a chance to proofread it so please check it carefully and see if you can find any careless errors. Even if there are errors, it is most likely a very high band essay 🙂

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An interesting thing to consider is that somebody who is offended by a particular costume might also be offended by the argument presented in this essay. In which case one might reasonably ask whether it is acceptable to produce an essay with an extreme position knowing that it might offend others? The answer for IELTS test is that extreme positions are perfectly ok as long as the question is answered, but candidates ought to consider that a happy examiner is probably a kinder marker than an offended one.

There is an academic issue related to this line of thinking – that of university students banning certain speakers with controversial or offensive views from speaking on campus. Do you have any views on that issue?

The next essay was quickly scribbled during IELTS 1 class. It argues from an entirely different position. Again, I have not proofread it so please do read it critically and see if you can spot any errors.

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Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions (or spot any errors). In particular, you might like to consider which essay is more convincing and why.

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