1 Good Citizens Introduction

This is a simple role-playing game aimed at primary/middle-school kids whose English is at the CEFr B1-B2 range (strong or well supported A2 students have also successfully participated). The students can work in groups. The topic is ‘Good Citizens’. Players take the role of health and safety inspectors working in Virtual City. These health and … Read more

Sports Centre

You are a health and safety investigator. You are investigating the sports centre.   The manager has left you an audio message. Listen to what he says.   You should now listen to the characters in the Sports Centre to find out what health and safety problems are there. You will need to take notes.

Sweet Shop / Candy Store / Confectionary

You are health and safety inspectors visiting a sweet shop (or candy store, or confectionary). When the screen below loads, click the green flag. There is also a version of this mission that does not need Scratch code. 


You are health and safety inspectors visiting a restaurant. When the screen below loads, click the green flag.

Poop Power Plant

You are health and safety inspectors visiting a Poop Power Plant (a power station that changes poop into electrical power). When the screen below loads, click the green flag.

Safari Park

You are a team of health and safety investigators. You are investigating the safari park.


You are health and safety inspectors visiting the KTV. When the screen below loads, click the green flag.