Getting a Better Score than Test-Bot

“For this one I guess we’ll just have to study very hard?”suggested the tiny frog.

” I agree,” said the small yellow cat, “but I disagree. You like learning, Froggy, but I don’t.”

” You contradicted yourself,Lemon,” said a fox. “Besides, Princess Terrett probably told Test-Bot the answers to all the questions. We can’t possibly get a better score. You’re doomed, Lemon.”

Lemon jumped into the air. “Let’s sabotage Test-Bot! Nightshade, you’re clever, why not reprogram it?”

”It’s too well guarded for that, but I have a plan. We can still sabotage Test-Bot.”

The day they took the test, Test-Bot didn’t have a pencil to write with. Lemon scored 31%, but Test-Bot scored 0%.

”Another challenge completed! Whoop whoop!” Lemon yelled.

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