IELTS 2 Review (Spring Festival 2019)

This page simply lists links to the material we have covered in class since October. Your Spring Festival mission is to review the material and engage in online discussion with your classmates according to the following rules:

  1. If nobody has yet left a comment expressing your opinion, then write your opinion.
  2. Reply to another student’s comment. You can state whether you agree or disagree with them and why.
  3. You can also share links/screenshots to further reading you have done on the topic.

Here is the list of links, please engage in the discussion on all four topics:

Discussion Forum – Trump 1 (trade war & economy)
Discussion Forum – Kavanaugh Case (women’s rights & gender equality)
Discussion Forum – Trump 3 (immigration)
Discussion Forum – Wildlife Mass Extinction

Why engage in online discussion?

There are numerous reasons why this is a good idea. These reasons include:

  1. You can practise writing English in a context that your teacher can monitor outside of class.
  2. You can learn directly from your classmates.
  3. It provides a way for less confident or less sociable students to engage in discussion with peers and teacher. Also, students with lower English language ability can better engage in class discussion because they have time to think about their response.
  4. It provides a platform for stronger students to discuss topics in greater depth than is possible in class – share links for further reading around the topic
  5. It is useful preparation for university where you will be expected to engage in online discussion forums.

Is it helpful for my IELTS test?

Obviously, yes! You are not only reviewing the reading material (and hence the target language input), but also practising writing in an environment where both teachers and peers can offer feedback.

Come on, let’s embrace technology in education!

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