How to deal with stuff that’s like… annoying. Like, really really really annoying stuff.

OK guys, so it’s Andrew here and I’ve had an argument. A BIG one.

The story goes like this:

So in many contests you need teams and in the World Scholar’s Cup, you do. So there’s this person whose name starts with an “Sam” and ends with an “tha” and she is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY annoying.

Anyways, we were a team and I felt like she wasn’t really reliable so we split up and everyone like literally everyone agreed.

And then (HERE COMES THE REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY ANNOYING PART…) she called me and said she couldn’t find a team and she blamed me. OK so if you think that’s annoying, please give this post a thumb’s up. Also, feel free to comment below and tell me who YOU think should take the blame.

OK now comes the important part: HOW TO DEAL WITH STUFF LIKE THIS.

So I’ve come up with a way to deal with the REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY annoying stuff like this:

It’s a list:

  1. Wait and see if he/her does anything else. Make sure to check on social media and blogs and stuff.
  2. If you want, you can tell a teacher about this and sort it out.
  3. Or you can deal with it yourself:
  4. (a)Talk to him/her nicely and try to sort it out
  5. (b)Confront him/her and get in BIG trouble (and probably a couple of red flags)

But always remember the most important thing is to NOT MAKE A BIG REACTION!!!

OK so that’s it for this blog and for people waiting for A Rip in Mythology chapter 3 to come out please comment below so I can see how many people are waiting.


P.S. If you have any tips for me you can also put them in the comments below.

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